What are 2-Dimensional Arrays?

A 2-Dimensional(2D) Array is an array of arrays i.e, it is a collection of 1-dimensional arrays. In other words, it is an array where each member of the array is also an array.

In C++, the row and column number starts from 0 by default. If  a 2D Array is defined in C++ with 'i' rows and 'j' columns, then the row number starts from 0 and ends with (i-1) and column number starts from 0 and ends with (j-1). The last row would be (i-1)th row and the last column would be (j-1)th column. 


We generally use the term Matrix(plural matrices) in maths , which are nothing but  2D-Arrays.
The only difference in matrix and array is in their representation. Row and Column numbering in a Martix starts with 1 where as in an Array it starts from 0.

A general MxN matrix

Declaration of 2D-Arrays in C++

To declare the array, we use double pair of opening and closing square bracket.

Declaration statement:

DataType  NameOfArray[Rows][Columns];

Eg; int a[3][5];

This declaration creates 3 rows and each row has 5 elements.

Initialization of 2D-Arrays in C++

Pre-initialization method

Long Method

In this method we initialize the values of each element in the array separately.

Eg: int a[2][2];

Initializing at Declaration

In this method we enter the values of the elements of the array while declaring it.

Eg: int a[2][2]={4,12,8,1};

Disadvantages of these two methods is that the size and elements of the array is initialized before only.

General Method(Initializing at run time)

In this method we use a nested loop to enter the elements of the array at run time.



    int a[row][column], i,  j; //row and column should be replaced with size of the array

    cout<<"\nEnter the elements of the Array:\n";

    //For entering elements of the Array

    for(i=0;i < row;i++)
         for(j=0;j < column;j++)


How to define size of Array at run-time of the program?

Array size defined at Run time:



    int a[180][180], i, j, m, n; //180 is the max number of rows and columns that can be used for array

    cout<<"\nEnter the size of the Array(rows, column):\n";


    cout<<"\nEnter the elements of the Array:\n";

    //For entering elements of the Array

    for(i=0;i < m;i++)
         for(j=0;j < n;j++)


The general misconception about 2D-Arrays is that their size can't be defined at run time, but it is possible by this method. The reason is, in this program we make an array with maximum number of rows and columns possible and while run-time of the program we just use the number of rows and columns which are required by us. This code is useful when we don't know the size of array required by the user.

C++ programs related to 2D-Arrays

Binary Search


    int a[180][180], i, j, m, n, p, f=0; 


    cout<<"\nEnter the size of the Array(rows, column):\n";



    cout<<"\nEnter the elements of the Array:\n";

    for(i=0;i < m;i++)


         for(j=0;j < n;j++)



    cout<<"\nEnter the number to search: ";



     for(i=0;i < m;i++)


         for(j=0;j < n;j++)




               cout<<"\nNumber is found at "<<i+1<<" row  and "<<j+1<<" column.";






    cout<<"Number not found.";


Count of integers


    int a[180][180], i, j, m, n, cp=0, cn=0, c0=0; 


    cout<<"\nEnter the size of the Array(rows, column):\n";



    cout<<"\nEnter the elements of the Array:\n";

    for(i=0;i < m;i++)


         for(j=0;j < n;j++)



     for(i=0;i < m;i++)


         for(j=0;j < n;j++)




            else if(a[i][j]<0)






    cout<<"\nNo. positive integers="<<cp<<"\nNo. of negative integers="<<cn<<"\nNo. of zeroes="<<c0;


Maximum and Minimum


    int a[180][180], i, j, m, n, max, min; 


    cout<<"\nEnter the size of the Array(rows, column):\n";



    cout<<"\nEnter the elements of the Array:\n";

    for(i=0;i < m;i++)


         for(j=0;j < n;j++)


     max=a[i][j]; min=a[i][j];


     for(i=0;i < m;i++)


         for(j=0;j < n;j++)









    cout<<"\nMaximum of the elements is: "<<max<<"\nMinimum of the elements is: "<<min;
