Initialization of 2D-Arrays in C++

Pre-initialization method

Long Method

In this method we initialize the values of each element in the array separately.

Eg: int a[2][2];

Initializing at Declaration

In this method we enter the values of the elements of the array while declaring it.

Eg: int a[2][2]={4,12,8,1};

Disadvantages of these two methods is that the size and elements of the array is initialized before only.

General Method(Initializing at run time)

In this method we use a nested loop to enter the elements of the array at run time.



    int a[row][column], i,  j; //row and column should be replaced with size of the array

    cout<<"\nEnter the elements of the Array:\n";

    //For entering elements of the Array

    for(i=0;i < row;i++)
         for(j=0;j < column;j++)


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